Evidence-Based Practice




Show Them the Evidence! 
Evidence-Based Practice for Secondary School LMS


Table of Contents: 


Outcome: School library media specialists will be able to use evidence to inform instruction and to demonstrate the value and impact of their program and professional practices on student learning.

School library media specialists will share evidence of the value and impact of school library programs and instruction with school stakeholders on a regular basis.


Session PPT

Professional Learning Plan

  • Phase 1: EBP Workshop January 12 @ Greenwood Administration/Board Room A & B from 4:30 - 6:30 PM (sign in for 2 hour stipend)

  • Phase 2: Intersession work on your own during 3rd quarter (sign for 2 hour stipend at April 5 Showcase)

  • Phase 3: EBP Showcase April 5 @ West Towson ES Library from 4:30 - 6:30 PM (sign for 2 hour stipend for intersession work AND 2 hour stipend for Showcase); register here.


Framework for Action


Dr. Ross Todd (CISSL/Rutgers University) has described three types of EBP as a holistic Framework for Action:  


  • Evidence FOR practice, or the research that supports best practice.  

  • Evidence IN practice, or the expertise of librarians as they define and refine their practice. 

  • Evidence OF practice, or the evidence generated by practice showing its impact on students' learning outcomes.  


Framework: Holistic Model of Evidence-Based Pracrice for School Libraries (Todd, 2008)

Using the Framework for Action: Collaborative Group Work

  • Co-create an EBP Framework for Action focused on INSTRUCTION for Information Literacy/21st Century Skills.

    • Collaborative group document:  Group 1 (ES)  Group 2 (ES)  Group 3 (ES)  Group 4 (ES)  Group 5 (Secondary)     

    •  Ideas generated by groups will be aggregated on a single document and a link posted here, so that all participants may use it as a reference and add new ideas. 

  • LMS may use this blank EBP Framework for Action organizer to plan evidence-based practice for another major impact area from the research (reading, collaboration, professional development).


Resources & Tools

Evidence FOR Practice











Evidence IN Practice





Evidence OF Practice


Action Plan


  • Examine a Model Action Plan (Kelly's beginning of a model based on Sandy Bixby's un-Deweying pilot project) 
  • Reflect on your current practice and needs to create an Action Plan focused on a specific instructional goal. 
    • Use this EBP Action Plan Template developed by Ross Todd and Lyn Hay.

    • Focus on a specific instructional goal, such as: teaching specific InfoLit/21st C skills; targeting particular grade levels/content areas;  implementing Digital Citizenship slam dunks, etc.

    • Refer to the Frameworks for Action for Instruction co-created by groups at this workshop for guidance to develop your Action Plan.


  • Later, consider creating Action Plans for other impact areas from the research, such as reading and professional development. 


Intersession Work & EBP Showcase

  • Based on your reflection and needs, create an Action Plan focused on Instruction as directed above. 
  • Gather and curate Evidence In Practice and Evidence Of Practice resulting from your Action Plan, using a variety of methods and formats. 
    • You may curate evidence in a folder on your VLC/Library wiki, in a One Drive folder, etc.
    • You will share a link to your curated evidence and Action Plan with ODL for the Showcase; we will post your link on our wiki.
  • At the EBP Showcase on April 5th, you will share your story and your evidence with a small group of colleagues.  
    • West Towson ES Library, 4:30-6:30 PM  *You will sign for both the intersession stipend (2 hours) and Showcase stipend (2 hours).



  • Use resources on this wiki page!  Deepen your understanding with some of the readings in the Lit Review below.
  • Evidence-Based Practice small groups in Elementary & Secondary Librarians PLC in Edmodo, including EBP Shared Resources folder. Pose questions, give/get feedback, share insights and resources you develop.  

Lit Review for Evidence-Based Practice


AASL 2015 Conference Presentations:



Websites:   Book:



supporting evidence/artifacts,
Based on your reflection and identified needs for instruction, create an Action Plan focused on a specific instructional goal.