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Transforming School Library Spaces


Future Ready Librarians alignment:

  •  Use of Space & Time: A Future Ready Librarian Designs Collaborative Spaces

BCPS Secondary LMS Evaluation alignment:

Domain 2 The Library Environment

  • 2a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

  • 2b. Establishing a Culture of Learning

  • 2c. Manages Library Procedures

  • 2e. Organizing Physical Space

 Domain 4 Professional Responsibility
  • 4a. Reflecting on Practice

  • 4f. Collection Development and Maintenance


Table of Contents



Is your Library a modern, vibrant, functional space designed to engage today's students and support 21st century learning?
Or a dull, old-fashioned, cluttered, empty, unwelcoming place where "no one wants to go"?

How will you create a more inviting, learner-centered Library which is the Learning Commons of the school?




1. Get inspired!  Explore the RESOURCES below, visit other school libraries, look on Pinterest, in vendor catalogs, etc.

    See photos of some model spaces: Pine Grove MSPikesville MS, Stemmers Run MS.  Loch Raven HS, Pikesville HS

2. Assess your current space: Look with a critical eye and have others look.

  • How could the space be more student-friendly and learner-centered?  Focus on STUDENTS' needs.

  • What could be removed, replaced, re-located or re-purposed?  Get rid of clutter and any items that are worn or dirty. 

  • Is the collection well-organized and maintained?

3. Develop an Action Plan and budget proposal to share with the ODL library media team and your principal.

  • Prepare to justify major changes and funding requests with a rationale explaining how the transformation will support student learning and school/district goals (SPP, STAT, etc.)

  • Prioritize based on needs assessment and available funding. Do a "phased" plan for needs which cannot be immediately addressed.

4. Start making some transformative changes NOW! Even small changes can make a huge difference.

5. Share the news about your library's transformation with your school community, LMS colleagues and BCPS.

  • Tweet photos and testimonials and publish in your Library e-Newsletter.

  • Share ideas, resources and photos with LMS colleagues via new Space Transformation small group in Edmodo

    •  TIP: Create a One Drive folder for your photos and share the view link on Edmodo. 



  • Involve students in re-designing the space. It's THEIR Library!  

  • Start with space planning. Consider the 4 C's (Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking) and accessing technology.

  • Go beyond the furniture to address color/paint, signage, lighting, anchor charts, rotating book displays, student artwork, etc.

  • Find low-budget solutions and DIY projects. 

  • Appeal to your users with gender-neutral, age appropriate design & furnishings ... not too juvenile, too mature, or too trendy.  

  • Include space for creativity & innovation like a Makerspace, Fab Lab, Collaboratory, etc. This could be "mobile" if space is tight.

  • Clear clutter from back workrooms/AV storage areas to create a student learning space, like a TV Studio; contact Alex Wolf. 

  • WEED first if necessary. Unappealing, aged titles take up valuable space and negatively impact the whole library environment.  




    • Harbour Signs (410) 488-8810  Inform them you are purchasing for a BCPS library for contracted pricing.

    • Demco & Brodart (library supplies & furnishings) - Orders for BCPS will now be placed in eSchool Mall.

      • If you do not already have an eSchool Mall account, you will need to register for eSchool Mall training to order from these vendor catalogs; discuss this with your principal. If you will not be a Procurement Card holder, you may access the vendors' public online catalogs to make selections, and have your ordering designee place the order in eSchool Mall.




  • Funding Sources: Use your Action Plan and rationale for transformation to advocate for funding

    • School-based funding (principal).  *If library budget is limited, consider low-budget solutions or DIY projects. 
    • PTA funding
    • Fundraiser proceeds 
    • Scholastic Book Fair profits
    • Apply for grants 
    • Donors Choose

    • Other ideas?



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