Destiny Library and Resource Management System
Resources for using the Destiny system
Destiny Resource Pages
1. Getting Started with Destiny - Directions for basic use of Destiny
2. Library Media Circulation - Resources for Library Media Specialists for circulation
3. Library Media Reporting - Resources for Library Media Specialists for reporting
4. Library Media Inventory - Resources for Library Media Specialists for conducting a collection inventory
5. Destiny Collections - Directions on how to utilize the Destiny Collections tools
6. Destiny eBooks - Guide to Destiny eBooks
7. Destiny Apps - How to use the Destiny Apps
8. Textbook Management - Resources for schools that manage textbooks through Destiny
9. Resource Management - Resources for schools that manage other resources through Destiny
10. Technology Liaison Resources - Link to Destiny related resources posted to the TL Wiki
11. Scanners - Approved scanners for use with Destiny