In addition to meeting BCPS Selection Criteria for Library Materials, two positive reviews for the age-range are required when choosing Graphic Novels and Manga for our school library collections. Because reviews for Graphic Novels and Manga are limited in TitleWave, it is often difficult to ascertain the suitability of titles for schools. When choosing a series, be specific about which titles in the series are appropriate for the age-range. Often, series are designed to mature with their readers, so the last few books in a series may no longer be appropriate.
Review Sources for Graphic Novels & Manga
When choosing Manga, limit to series that are rated Teen or younger (usually called “All Ages”). Older Teen, Teen+, or Mature go with Adult collections only.
Additional Review Materials
A webcast from School Library Journal covered many newly released Graphic Novels and Manga for Spring/Summer 2023. This webcast is an additional source to gain information about suitability. Presentations from this webcast have been provided.